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The majestic Bengal tigers of India seem to have developed a taste for hiking high-altitude mountains, perhaps inspired after watching human adventurers taking the path less trodden. However, rather than pure recreation, their actions might be driven more by a desperate need to survive.

Recently, camera traps set up in various locations in the mountains of Sikkim have captured the apex predators at elevations they have no business being in. Rarely seen before at these altitudes, including a staggering 3,966 metres, the tigers are clearly venturing into uncharted territory. And while this will no doubt look great on their dating profiles, the sightings raise concerns about the impact of climate change and human pressure on their traditional hunting grounds.

Researchers believe a combination of factors is driving the unprecedented migration in tigers. Rising temperatures due to climate change are making the lower foothills less hospitable. “It may be a range shift of tigers,” said Pranabesh Sanyal, a geologist and a leading tiger expert in Kolkata. “In the past two decades, temperatures at high altitudes have warmed faster than at altitudes below 2,000 metres. Due to climate change, tiger migration is taking place.”

Human encroachment is further shrinking available habitat. Competition for food and territory within the dwindling tiger population also plays a role. Experts believe that the younger tigers are forcing the older ones to corner, leaving them little choice but to find alternate habitats. Despite their preference for lower-altitude forested valleys, tigers exhibit remarkable tolerance for colder temperatures.

“Climbing of the mountains by the tigers proves that they are under pressure,” said conservation biologist Qamar Qureshi, noting both an “increasing human population, along with the increasing number of tigers”.

Conservation Challenges

Unfortunately for the tigers, their exotic looks made them a favourite of poachers, resulting in their populations declining massively since the time of India’s independence. Population explosion in humans and less availability of prey only made it harder for these wildcats to survive. While India’s tiger population has seen a remarkable comeback in recent years, the upward trend faces new threats.

Protected areas, though expanded, remain isolated “islands” amidst unsustainable land use practices. Conservation efforts must address not only habitat protection but also human-wildlife conflict and the impact of development projects on crucial corridors.

The story of tigers in these high-altitude mountains is a stark reminder of the interconnectedness of our planet. It’s a race against time to mitigate climate change, protect biodiversity, and ensure the long-term survival of these magnificent creatures.

By smith steave

I have over 10 years of experience in the cryptocurrency industry and I have been on the list of the top authors on LinkedIn for the past 5 years.