In a stunning turn of events, the popular massively multiplayer sci-fi sandbox game EVE Online has been rocked by one of the largest heists in its history. A former Fleet Commander, known as Jay Amazingness, has committed an act of betrayal against his friends and allies within the ‘Goonswarm’ alliance.

According to reports on Reddit, Jay Amazingness has not only managed to destroy a staggering 52,670 clones, but has also stolen several trillion ISK (Interstellar Kredit) worth of assets. This has resulted in what may be the biggest ever loss of ISK for one alliance in EVE Online.

Asher Elias, the leader of the Goonswarm, has expressed personal disappointment and betrayal at Jay Amazingness’ actions, stating, “I’ve known Jay for a decade; I consider him a good friend… I don’t know why it’s happened.”

Despite the devastating impact of the heist, Elias remains optimistic that the alliance and its coalition can recover, though the personal hurt will linger for some time. In contrast, some players have expressed excitement and joy at the dramatic turn of events, citing it as an example of what makes EVE Online unique.

While Jay Amazingness has not released an official statement regarding the incident, it has been discovered that he has joined the Pandemic Legion, a medium-sized alliance focused on PvP. Players have reported witnessing Pandemic Legion members moving pods around in response to Jay’s arrival, sparking speculation and suspicion.

The repercussions of Jay Amazingness’ heist will undoubtedly continue to be felt throughout the EVE Online community, underscoring the significant impact of this unprecedented betrayal.

By smith steave

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