A woman has turned to the internet for help in dealing with a phantom alarm issue on her iPhone. Angele Sofia sought assistance on TikTok to solve the mystery, stating that no Apple employee had been able to figure out the problem. She described how the alarm goes off daily at 9:25 a.m., even though she never scheduled it and it doesn’t appear in any of her settings. However, screenshots of her phone screen show no alarms set for that time. The issue began around five years ago for no apparent reason. The alarm rings once and does not continue until stopped, showing up as a notification rather than ringing audibly. Sofla expressed her concern that 9:25 would be her time of death, jokingly asking if she’s “going to die at 9:25 in the morning.” Despite trying suggestions from viewers, including a factory reset, the problem persists. She has now made repeated requests for advice and help with solving the mysterious alarm dilemma. Some viewers speculated that the alarm may have come from an old device via iCloud, while others suggested she change time zones to see if the alarm adjusts with it. Angele Sophia, however, sees the humorous side of the strange alarm, even proposing to invent a nice routine for that time, such as using it as her “go get a coffee” alarm. Insider contacted Apple for comment but has not received a response. The TikTok has received over 600,000 views.

By smith steave

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